Friday, August 28, 2009

Employed! (Changes my whole blog profile doesnt it?!)

I guess the key question you are all asking: will I still be able to entertain you now that I am working?! Will all of the craziness come to a halt? No, don't you worry,after all I am still in Australia and as I am finding after completing my first week of work, these Aussies party both in and outside the office.

Case-in-point: Two main perks of my job, endless supply of Vegemite & booze. "Beerthirty" begins well, usually somewhere around 5:30pm at your desk when someone makes a run to our free bar upstairs and brings down bottles of wine and beer, but if its Friday, beerthirty is a bit closer to say, 1pm!

Also, another added perk: the bar upstairs on Fridays is catered by their client: KFC! Sure makes you feel at home when the Colonel arrives every Friday promptly at 5:30pm!

The work is very similar to what I was doing at home, and the people are great. I have a new nickname dubbed by the studio guys, "Shieldsy" though I am finding it sad that I cant even say my own nickname--it doesnt sounds as good with my American accent. But I am doing my best to educate our office on all things American, while they are doing their best to teach me some cool Aussie things, namely as of late, they are trying to instill in me that no one (except me) in Australia uses the word "super" I am trying to work on that one, but it comes so easily!

Hope I have a "super" second week....


  1. Fantastic! Congrats on the job. Hope all is well! :D

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