Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Festival First Nights: Al Green Still Has "It"....

Festival First Nights at the Domain. What a great idea: Picnic. Drinks.Al Green. The Man. The Myth. The Legend. For his first ever trip to Australia.

And, in case you are wondering. He still has "It" whatever that is.

He may be 60 but he still jams like Smuckers(tm).

The Festival First Night is the kickoff to the Festival season in Sydney (January). Al Green headlined the First Night at the Domain, which sits just outside the Botanical Gardens. Oh, and did I mention, this was a FREE show. With blanket packed, Vodka, Wine, Beer, Cheese and Lindt truffles, we danced, sang and shimmied to Al.

How could you not love a guy who hires only his daughters as backup singers. Because, why else, he wants to keep the money in the family! The night was hot (and I mean hot like 85 for 10pm) and so was Al. Besides him whining a bit about not having enough time to play - he put on an amazing show to a sea of tipsy dancing Sydneysiders.

So Al, Lets stay together...

(tm) note: I cannot believe how many amazing sayings I am coming up with for this blog. I mean I thought "Schnitzeled" was good. But "Jams like Smuckers" - where do I get this stuff?!

p.s. you wont actually be able to see anything with this video I was too far back for the camera to capture it, but the audio is pretty good. You Go Al.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

NYE 2010 Sydney Harbour!

20 hours of travel from SF to Melbourne to Sydney to Bondi. Please tell me it was worth it to make it back to Australia for New Years Eve!?!

Exhausted from my flights/layover/bus ride home I had only one hour to take a shower, get dressed and meet friends on the Sydney Harbour to enjoy an afternoon-evening on the boat and watch the fireworks over the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

After a few glasses of wine, some delicious Sydney prawns, pasta salad and of half a Twinkie (treats brought for the boat from the good old US of A!) I was feeling almost brand new (with the exception of a nap right around the 9pm mark, thankfully everyone woke me up before the fireworks!)

The fireworks were everything I was hoping for, absolutely stunning especially from the water. (In the video it is a bit shaky sorry! - I wasn't drunk, the boat was just rocking quite a bit!)

As I watched the fireworks I knew it was worth every hour of travel to get back to see it! But I slept exceptionally well that night!