Perth. A city on the West Coast of Australia. Sits pleasantly on the Swan river, oh and it's also known for a little place called Margaret River. Oh yeah, that's right - WINE REGION: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, Merlot, Chenin Blanc and Verdehlo! Woot! (We made two days of it, tasting our way through wineries, and even one brewery. Ending our night with a bottle of wine at the Margaret River, a beautiful beach known for its surfing. Amazing.)
We stayed with some friends who recently moved out to Perth from Sydney and they were able to show us around a bit. First they took us to Fiori, basically the coffee mecca out in Perth. A small warehouse filled with freshly ground beans. Bag and bags of freshly packed grounds. What kind of coffee do you want? "How do I decide?" Just stick your head in this bucket of freshly roasted beans and take a whiff! Just being in the warehouse wakes you up, the smell is so intense you feel like your drinking a cup of coffee with every breathe. Amazing.
Next we got to see downtown Perth and the surrounding area. Beautiful views of the swan river from the city. The area around Perth is decidedly into its beer. In Fremantle we went to Mad Monk Brewery one day, and Little Creatures Brewery the next. For a girl who's decidedly more "wine" than "beer," even I was impressed.
And no trip to Fremantle is complete without a trip to the Subiaco, Australia's home of Aussie Rules Football, also home to the Freo Dockers. We rode up thinking it wouldnt be hard to get a last minute ticket, were we ever wrong - the stadium was beyond packed. We were able to get "restricked view" seats, with a pilar right in the middle of our view, but somehow leaning around the pilar to see the game seemed okay because the energy of the place was so amazing. And of course the Dockos won, great day to be at the Subi!
We took a ferry out to Rottnest Island, where we biked around the island for a day, saw Quokkas (an animal you can only see on Rottnest), saw the old military bases, and relaxed with a cocktail before we headed back into Perth.
To top off our 10 days in Perth - the Redbull Air Races. Pilots from around the world competing over Swan River through Red Bull's Air Race Track. We packed a picnic and hit the shore to watch some amazing practice rounds, all the excitement without the crowds, its great to be on vacation when other people are at work!
With my fill of wine, coffee and planes, I left Perth in preparation for a three day layover back in Sydney before I left for New Zealand!